Paragon Records is proud partners with fellow labels, bands & zines, 
across the world,
who still believe in trading,
in the true underground spirit!


A Fine Day to Die Records [SPAIN]

Abstract Emotions [SPAIN]

Acid Vicious [FRANCE]

Adirondack Black Mass [USA]

Ah Puch Records [MEXICO]

Alte Seelen [USA]

Alteracion Mental Records [ARGENTINA]

Anachronist [BAND, ITALY]

Anti-Human Productions [CANADA]

Ars Maligne [MEXICO]

Artes Negras Productions [URUGUAY]

Asgard Hass Productions [SWITZERLAND]

Astral Nightmare Productions [GERMNAY]

Ataraxia Producciones [PERU]

Bad Moon Rising 惡月上昇 [TAIWAN]

Bajo Tierra Records [MEXICO]

Base Record Production [SPAIN]

Bestial Invasion Records / Nigredo Productions [SWEDEN]

Black Plague Records [USA]

Black Tears [ITALY]

Bloodrock Records [ITALY]

Bylec-Tum Productions [ITALY]

Caligo Arcanum Productions[MEXICO]

Convocation [BAND, FINLAND]

Cráneo Negro Records [MEXICO]

Crucial Blast [USA]

Damnatio ad Bestias [SPAIN]

Dark Horizon Records [USA]

Darkness Shall Rise Productions [GERMANY]

Deamonolith [BAND, POLAND]

Deathrash Armageddon [JAPAN]

Distorted Harmony Records [MEXICO]

Dying Sun Records [NETHERLANDS]

Eclectic Productions [UKRAINE]

Einheit Produktionen [GERMANY]

Embrace My Funeral Records [MEXICO]

Ferret [BAND, USA]

Fetzner Death Records [GERMANY]

Fucking Your Creation Records [GREECE]

Goétie Exhumation [FRANCE]

Gore Cannibal Records [MEXICO]

Grind to Death Records [SWEDEN]

Headbanger Records [NETHERLANDS]

Headsplit Records [USA]

Heerwegen Tod Production [POALND]

Hell's Fire Records [GREECE]

Hellthrone Productions [SINGAPORE]

Henere [BAND, USA]

Humanity's Plague Productions [USA]

I Hope You Die [CHILE]



Inverted Chalice Productions [USA]

Iron, Blood and Death Corporation [MEXICO]

Khaoszophy Productions [FRANCE]

Lethal Scissor Records [ITALY]

Lower Silesian Stronghold [POLAND]

Masters of Kaos Productions [COLOMBIA]

Melipulli Records [CHILE]

Metal ör Die Records HUNGARY]

Mexican Steel Prods [MEXICO]

More Hate Productions [RUSSIA]

Moribund Records [USA]

MTD Production [MALAYSIA]

Murder Records [NETHERLANDS]

My Kingdom Music [ITALY]

Nachzehrer Records [GERMANY[

Nebiros Producciones [GUATEMALA]

Necroscope Blasphemia/Necroscope Metalzine [POLAND]

Negra Nit Distro [SPAIN]

Nigra Mors [SPAIN]

Nihilistische KlangKunst [GERMANY]

No Mercy Reks [CHILE]

Nocturnus Records [UKRAINE]

Nunslaughter [BAND,USA]

Obliteration Records [JAPAN]

Occultum Productions [FRANCE]


Old Temple [POLAND]

On Parole Productions [SLOVENIA]

Osmose Productions [FRANCE]

Perkun Records [POLAND]

Pest Records/Loud Rage Music [ROMANIA]

Pile Of Heads Productions [USA]

Pluton's Rising Productions [POLAND]

Propaganda [UKRAINE]

Prophetical Productions [PORTUGAL]

Quetzalcóatl Records/Satanic Porno Records [MEXICO]

Red Rivet Records [JAPAN]

Red Stream, Inc. [USA]

Rex Diaboli [POLAND]

Rotten Cemetery Records [CHILE]

Sanatorio Records [COSTA RICA]


Scriptorium Magazine [USA]

Sound of White Noise Records [USA]

Soundage Productions [RUSSIA]

Sphere of Apparition Records [AUSTRALIA]

Tarot Productions [USA]

TeufelsZeug Records [GERMANY]

The Covival Hermit [USA]

Total Darkness Propaganda [HUNGARY]

Under the Sign of Garazel Productions [POLAND]

War Vellum [CANADA]

Wolfmond Prodution [GERMANY]

Wydawnictwo Muzyczne Psycho [POLAND]

Zero Dimensional Records/Hidden Marly Production/Maa Productions [JAPAN]